Friday, 5 March 2010

Doo-doo-doo, we're onto you

I've just realised that part of the reason that my current mice, Annie and Egg, are much nicer and/or less mental than my previous mice, Hamlet and Fran, is possibly because I used to smoke weed all the time and now I don't. It definitely affected Hamlet and Fran when I had it - they'd hurl themselves on their food and run around like lunatics - and so I think it's likely that it had longer-term effects on them as well, not least because I used to smoke quite a lot, and would usually do so in my room. I've not done this since I got the new mice - in fact, I've not smoked in my room at all - and they're so much calmer and more pliable. Neither of them have bitten me yet, or anything. I mean, I'm aware that female mice are less likely to be aggressive because they're generally less testosteroney, but I don't think that's the sum of the reason for the massive difference between their behaviours. I feel sad about this, like a bad mother, except there is literally nothing I can do to try to change this because Hamlet and Fran are dead now. Fran was so violent that he once tried to bite Hamlet's balls off - we don't know whether he was successful because Ry and I know nothing about mouse anatomy, or really about bollocks in general, but Hamlet definitely bled a lot and if they were still there they must have receded or something. Note to self: do not attempt to support life when you're too self-indulgent to even support your own.

Naturally, I am avoiding working on my Frankenstein essay, which I know is silly because I love the book and I got two seemingly exciting books out of the library about it. Ugh. Maybe I'll tidy my room. It is, of course, a pit of despair. And I need to install my new bookcase and get rid of the old one which has been broken and ugly since I brought it in from the road outside my house.


  1. Have you read about the experiments with the poor little baby mice and cannabis? Where they can't find the platform in the water and just swim around and around :(
